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Owl Tattoo Designs For Female Tattoos On The Body Picture Gallery

Owl Tattoo Designs For Female Tattoos On The NeckOwl Tattoo Designs For Female Tattoos On The Back EarOwl Tattoo Designs For Female Tattoos On The Top BreastOwl Tattoo Designs For Female Tattoos On The Upper BackOwl Tattoo Designs For Female Tattoos On The Side BodyOwl Tattoo Designs For Female Tattoos On The Left Upper ArmOwl Tattoo Designs For Female Tattoos On The FootOwl Tattoo Designs For...

Owl Tattoo Designs For Men Tattoos With Image Owl Tattoos On The Upper Arm Picture Gallery

Owl Tattoo Designs For Men Tattoos With Image Owl Tattoos On The Upper Arm Picture 1Owl Tattoo Designs For Men Tattoos With Image Owl Tattoos On The Upper Arm Picture 2Owl Tattoo Designs For Men Tattoos With Image Owl Tattoos On The Upper Arm Picture 3Owl Tattoo Designs For Men Tattoos With Image Owl Tattoos On The Upper Arm Picture 4Owl Tattoo Designs For Men Tattoos With Image Owl Tattoos On...

Female Tattoos Art On Back Body Tattoo And Lower Tattoo Designs

Female Tattoo Designs With Dragon Tattoo On The Lower BackFemale Tattoo Designs With Butterfly Tattoo On The Back BodyFemale Tattoo Designs With Flower And Wave Tattoo On The BackFemale Tattoo Designs With Tribal Phoenix Tattoo On The BackFemale Tattoo Designs With Star Tattoo On The Lower Front BodyFemale Tattoo Designs With Angel Tattoo On The Back BodyFemale Tattoo Designs With Flower Lower...

Apple symbolism; the Forbidden Fruit

Why fruit; Fruits and vegetables are often used purely for decoration. However when a specific fruit is part of a composition in Christian art, it may also have symbolic significance. Like flowers, fruits and vegetables, suggest the cycle of nature. Fruits contain the seeds for the new generation and are general symbols for the ascendance of the harvest, for fertility - and sometimes for earthly desires. Fruits can have the additional dimension of relating to the 12 fruits of the spirit in Christianity. Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, patience, modesty, temperance and chastity. My endeavour is to create...

Apple symbolism; the Forbidden Fruit

Why fruit; Fruits and vegetables are often used purely for decoration. However when a specific fruit is part of a composition in Christian art, it may also have symbolic significance. Like flowers, fruits and vegetables, suggest the cycle of nature. Fruits contain the seeds for the new generation and are general symbols for the ascendance of the harvest, for fertility - and sometimes for earthly desires. Fruits can have the additional dimension of relating to the 12 fruits of the spirit in Christianity. Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, patience, modesty, temperance and chastity. My endeavour is to create...

Multiple meanings of Fruit; Strange & Forbidden.

Biscuit Porcelain washer in the form of a lychee fruit, Qing Dynasty, Kangxi period. Length 10.2 cm.New concept, new product.In my quest to produce a new ceramic product, I was drawn to the idea to manufacture a ceramic product based on the expressed view, that man is what he eats. What came to mind was a basket of fruit with ambivalent and multiple meanings; based on an investigation into its varied symbolism from a religious and sexual perspective. There are many references to the symbolic meanings of fruit and its use in creative production. This investigation lays the foundation to produce an innovative and creative ceramic product (contemporary)...

Multiple meanings of Fruit; Strange & Forbidden.

Biscuit Porcelain washer in the form of a lychee fruit, Qing Dynasty, Kangxi period. Length 10.2 cm.New concept, new product.In my quest to produce a new ceramic product, I was drawn to the idea to manufacture a ceramic product based on the expressed view, that man is what he eats. What came to mind was a basket of fruit with ambivalent and multiple meanings; based on an investigation into its varied symbolism from a religious and sexual perspective. There are many references to the symbolic meanings of fruit and its use in creative production. This investigation lays the foundation to produce an innovative and creative ceramic product (contemporary)...

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