Tattoo Blog

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Leda and the Swan

Leda and the Swan (1986) MFA work, 210x 420x125. Collection Peter Amm (his previous home displaying the work is featured below) This particular work is one of my favourite sculptures. Made during my masters at UCT in 1986, it is the first work to feature on this blog specifically as a Gallery. Every so often I will feature an earlier work, the archival label will feature as a Gallery with the date - e.g. Gallery 1986 (as in this case). Visitors to the blog will be able to access all previous works this particular way. Ceramic Technique. Press- moulded in white stoneware clay. Airbrushed and painted with stained earthenware...

Leda and the Swan

Leda and the Swan (1986) MFA work, 210x 420x125. Collection Peter Amm (his previous home displaying the work is featured below) This particular work is one of my favourite sculptures. Made during my masters at UCT in 1986, it is the first work to feature on this blog specifically as a Gallery. Every so often I will feature an earlier work, the archival label will feature as a Gallery with the date - e.g. Gallery 1986 (as in this case). Visitors to the blog will be able to access all previous works this particular way. Ceramic Technique. Press- moulded in white stoneware clay. Airbrushed and painted with stained earthenware...

New Hell Bomb Tattoo Art Book!!!

One of our secret projects is finally finished! We've been working on a collage rag involving everyone at the shop. This full color zine includes drawings, paintings, tattoos, and a lot of all around weirdness from our home and travels. 60 pages of out-right madness. Below are a few teaser pages. Stick around for details about purchasing o...

Ann Van Hoey's bowls are imbued with the quintessential of life itself.

Ann Van Hoey�s ceramic bowls are imbued with the quintessential of life itself.Ceramics made with engineering and mathematical precision has found favour at the highest level. These clinically constructed, monochromatic ceramic statements take one�s breath away; both the enlightened consumer and more deservingly so, those well versed in ceramic traditions, are infatuated with these masterly crafted ceramic bowls. Not since Bodil Manz�s vessels (1943 Denmark - image courtesy Pulzceramics) took centre stage, has one stood in awe of work quite so inspiring � sophistication in simplicity. There is no surface decoration, nothing closely...

Ann Van Hoey's bowls are imbued with the quintessential of life itself.

Ann Van Hoey�s ceramic bowls are imbued with the quintessential of life itself.Ceramics made with engineering and mathematical precision has found favour at the highest level. These clinically constructed, monochromatic ceramic statements take one�s breath away; both the enlightened consumer and more deservingly so, those well versed in ceramic traditions, are infatuated with these masterly crafted ceramic bowls. Not since Bodil Manz�s vessels (1943 Denmark - image courtesy Pulzceramics) took centre stage, has one stood in awe of work quite so inspiring � sophistication in simplicity. There is no surface decoration, nothing closely...

Pierced Rats; Body Piercing Jewellery & Modelling the Prototypes

Piercing evokes all sorts of emotions within us and society still frowns upon it and deplores the practice thereof. Personal expression of this kind is a cultural phenomenon associated with the individual�s need to express him or herself in a culturally diverse and hybrid society (globalisation) - the coming together of cultures and groupings (collisions) and their social behaviour patterns and beliefs - the creolization of culturesModelling the prototype in C clay.  I wish to focus my attention on Body Piercing as an extension of my present research into body modification, scarification and tattoos referencing literary sources...

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