Tattoo Blog

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Ceramic Vases; Night Howler series 1998.

Night Howler Vase I (1998) height 220mm. Slip cast, painted with Amaco under glaze colour and incised (sgrafitto technique) and fired to 1120 degrees Celsius. The Concept.Literature remains the generative source for my creativity, however in this series of ceramic vases the emphasis has shifted from religion to an investigation of the richness of African and other non western cultural traditions. The vases were developed as an extension of the theme for a range of Ceramic sculptures (Night Howler III featured here on the left); conceived, developed and constructed for a one person exhibition in 1996 at the Sandton Civic Art Gallery in South...

Ceramic Vases; Night Howler series 1998.

Night Howler Vase I (1998) height 220mm. Slip cast, painted with Amaco under glaze colour and incised (sgrafitto technique) and fired to 1120 degrees Celsius. The Concept.Literature remains the generative source for my creativity, however in this series of ceramic vases the emphasis has shifted from religion to an investigation of the richness of African and other non western cultural traditions. The vases were developed as an extension of the theme for a range of Ceramic sculptures (Night Howler III featured here on the left); conceived, developed and constructed for a one person exhibition in 1996 at the Sandton Civic Art Gallery in South...

New painting by Steve Turner... Prints to come...

Tattoo - Does it hurt?

Here's someone who should never have gone for a tatto...

Holy shit! It's been a minute since our last post. Our family at the tattoo shop has doubled in size. Our long time friend Kevin Wathke from Topeka, KS has joined our full-time roster. Another long time pal of ours hailing from Florida, Andy Bolin, is also slaying it at Hell Bomb now. And last but not least, is Megan Shelton from right here in Wichita! I'm posting a few samples of their work below. We're also operating with new hours. 12-8, Mon. thru Thurs. 12-10 on Fri. and Sat. Come get some!Kevin WathkeAndy BolinMegan Shel...

Fabulous Kore Flatmo: Tattoo Artist of PluraBella Tattoo.

The work of Tattoo Artist Kore Flatmo of PluraBella Tattoo (follow link below)This blog entry is an extension of one of my most visited blog postings to date entitled, Best of Tattoos Artists, Books and Bodies. I have constantly visited sites, but not nearly enough, to be in a position to state that I have accumulated enough knowledge about the subject to claim to be an expert on the topic. The growth in this industry has been extensive and covers a broad range of research areas of specialization such as body adornment, tattoos, piercings and body modifications. The subject of tattooing forms part of cultural studies such as anthropology and...

Fabulous Kore Flatmo: Tattoo Artist of PluraBella Tattoo.

The work of Tattoo Artist Kore Flatmo of PluraBella Tattoo (follow link below)This blog entry is an extension of one of my most visited blog postings to date entitled, Best of Tattoos Artists, Books and Bodies. I have constantly visited sites, but not nearly enough, to be in a position to state that I have accumulated enough knowledge about the subject to claim to be an expert on the topic. The growth in this industry has been extensive and covers a broad range of research areas of specialization such as body adornment, tattoos, piercings and body modifications. The subject of tattooing forms part of cultural studies such as anthropology and...

Megan Fox New Tattoo inspired by Mickey Rourke

Megan Fox has revealed that she got a new tattoo. The actress recently added to her tattoo collection, saying it's a special piece of work inspired by fellow actor Mickey Rourke.She claimed it's actually in honor of her Passion Play co-star Mickey Rourke.She got the new tattoo in honor of him as she thinks he's a very special person. The tattoo is a quote in English on her ribs and has been attributed to the 19th century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche : "Those who danced were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." Love...

the black rose tattoo on ribs

the black rose tattoo designs on ribs best idea for gi...

Best Cross Tattoo Designs

Best Cross Tattoo Desi...

2010 Soccer/Football World Cup - Official Sites.

More images and sites to visit, to get you in the mood. The image above, A true Springbok rugby fan, is by renowned photographer Warrenski @ FLickr, cited at South African Tours and Travel site. What has this got to do with soccer football  you may ask. Spare a thought for our rugby team. Yesterday the springboks beat the French at Newlands - a trully great performance (stunning game). Bravo to our bokke.The image above is by Warrenski. more images of his work on Flickr above.Stunning images of the Cape Town stadium were taken by Deon Maritz and is available @ Flickr for your convenience. His photographs are spectacular (master craftsperson)...

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