Tattoo Blog

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Egyptian Tattoos

Egyptian tattoos are very beautiful in nature and with such a variety of artwork to choose from, it can be difficult deciding on simply one design.Some of the most common Egyptian tattoos include, The eye of Horus (sound eye, Wadjet) which is believed by many to possess power, prosperity, protection and wisdom.Other popular Egyptian god tattoos include, Hathor the Goddess of love, music, dance and is represented by cow horns and a sundisk on the head. Anubis is know as the god of embalming and is represented by the head of a jackal. Ma'at is known as the goddess of justice and is seen with an ostrich feather in her hair along with winged armed.Enjoy...

Best Chinese Tattoo Designs

Chinese Tattoo LetteringChinese Dragon TattooBack Body Chinese TattooChinese Character TattooChinese Symbol Tat...

Eagle Tattoos

As we mentioned before, if you are an animal lover and seeking a bird tattoo of any type, you are in for a treat, because bird tattoos are hands down some of the most captivatingly beautiful works of art on the market.Not surprisingly eagle tattoos are perhaps the most common of all bird designs, which comes naturally for those of us in America, when you consider that eagles go hand in hand with the American flag and are symbolic of freedom, prosperity and patriotism towards the United States.Enjoy this picture gallery of fantastic eagle artwork which will most certainly help you come up with a few ideas. The most common location for an eagle...

Tribal Chest Tattoos


Best and Beautiful Rose Tattoos for Girls

Rose Tattoo Designs Rose Tattoo On Arm Rose Tattoo On Side Body Foot Rose Tattoo Designs Rib Rose Tattoo for Gi...

Backbone Tattoo Design for Girls


Dragonfly Tattoos

The dragonfly is an exceptionally beautiful creature which seem to possess a certain mystical quality, perhaps because of their resemblance to what a fairy is imagined to look like, or maybe its because of the ancient Asian myth that a dragonfly represents virtues including happiness, success and victory among other positive aspects.Dragonfly tattoos are also enjoyed by both men and women, unlike butterfly and fairy artwork which is most commonly seen on women alone.Checkout these cool pictures which will most certainly give you some great ideas for your dragonfly tattoo masterpiece. Dragonfly tattoos are very rangy in both style and size,...

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