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Spider Tattoo Pictures: Top Design Ideas For Girls And Guys

Some of the more interesting spider tattoos are designed to pop off the skin. They have great depth and appear to be real spiders sitting on top of the skin, rather than ink dug into the skin cells. These spiders range from small bodies with long skinny legs to tarantula images with thick hair, legs and wide bodies. They can be presented in solid black ink, sketched on like stick figures, or decked out with bold coloring.Beyond realistic images, spider tattoos also include those fashioned after the famous comic book character turned television superhero, Spider-Man. These tattoos often work with the image of spider webs and the black...

Snake Tattoo Pictures: Best Artwork Concepts And Ideas

The long, slithering nature of the snake makes it the perfect animal for tattoo artistry. Snake tattoos are extremely versatile and are often worked into more complex images. For instance, one popular tattoo idea is the image of a long sword with a snake wrapped around the shaft and down over the blade. Snakes are typically used for their ability to be wrapped and crossed throughout an image to add depth and detail.Many snake designs in the tattoo world are black and grey images without a lot of detail. They are used to create substance or as a secondary element in a larger and more complex tattoo. Yet, that is not the rule. Some artists...

Ladybug Tattoo Meanings: Pictures And Popular Style Ideas

Why are ladybug tattoos so popular? This is a subject that is debatable. Some say it is because the ladybug possesses a perfect visual balance of beauty and cuteness, while others say the ladybug is a symbol of love and compassion. Still others say it is a symbol of good fortune and luck.Whatever the true meaning behind the reason for getting a ladybug tattoo, they are an awfully appealing creature - almost everyone agrees on this. Ladybug Tattoo Meanings And IdeasThe meaning may have something to do with the ladybug's demeanor when they are disturbed. They can actually bite, although most people do not realize this, they also release a small...

Pirate Tattoo Pictures: Design Ideas For Men And Women

Pirate tattoos are often closely related to nautical tattoos, since they all deal with images brought into the world from sailors and others who spend their life out at sea. Many think of pirates in a historical sense, but they are just as real today as they ever were in history. As long as valuable goods are transported through the water by ship, there will been pirates patrolling the seas in an effort to board ships and steal valuable possessions.Just like nautical stars, those wearing pirate tattoos are not necessarily those with direct connections to ships and the sea. They are often people who identify heavily with images of the sea or that...

Nautical Tattoo Pictures: Popular Style Tips And Ideas

The most popular image used for nautical tattoos is the nautical star. This is a star with five points that features very distinct shading. The star is often represented in black and white ink, though some will give it a personal touch by using a color in place of the usual black shading inside the star. It is the unique shading and play with color that gives the nautical star tattoo its recognizable appeal.The nautical star is traditionally a sign of membership with the U.S. Marine Corp or Navy. Yet, most people who get nautical star tattoos are not affiliated with the military at all. They may be people who make a living at sea or who have...

Horse Tattoo Meanings: Ideas And Pictures For Girls And Guys

Horse tattoos are a little out of the ordinary, or at least they are not quite as common as many other popular design choices, but mankind's passion for these beautiful creatures has been in existence for a very long time. Early man drew pictures of horses on the walls of caves.There were certain tribes in ancient times that worshiped horses. The horse has been man's companion for thousands of years. In Greek mythology, Pegasus, the winged horse is known for the magical powers he possesses as well as being immortal. Horse Tattoo MeaningsThe meaning associated with horse tattoos today likely has a lot to do with the companionship they have provided...

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