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Phoenix Tattoo Pictures: Meanings And Cultural History

The phoenix tattoo is a sign of rebirth. It is the sign of longevity and long-lived prosperity and strength. This symbolism comes from the mythological origins of the phoenix. This mythological bird has been a prominent figure in folklore across many cultures, including Greek, Egyptian and Chinese cultures. It has even been associated with Catholicism, as a symbol of the rebirth of Christ.The basic myth is that the phoenix lives for up to 1,000 years, then builds its own nest of twigs and ignites in flames. Once the entire nest and firebird burn away, an egg appears and the phoenix is born again. There are many variations on this basic...

Armband Tattoo Designs "Fashion Trend Now"

Tattoos were already practiced hundreds of years ago. Early men had tattoos because they perceive it as an art and even for deeper significance. They say that tattoo designs, specifically the armband tattoos give identification to our early people, determining which tribe they belong or what culture they perform.As time evolves, tattoos were seen as a trend or fashion. But, a particular old significance may still have to live even up to this generation. Like before, tattoos are still used for identification. This time around, it identifies the status of a person or his or her position in the society. Although this kind of perception...

The Latest Trends in Tattoo Design

Tattoo designs are becoming increasing popular. The older mind set of negativity towards tattoos are being phased out as they are quickly becoming the latest trend. The older generations are not happy about this idea, but are having to learn to accept it, the younger generation is welcoming the trend with open hands.There are several reasons people get tattoos. The most obvious, as well as the most common, is the meaning behind the design. The idea for these designs tends to be brought about by spiritual ideas. Many people want to be able to wear their heritage with pride.Remembrance tattoos have also become quite popular. Many...

Tattoo Designs " A World Wide Trend "

Have you noticed that it seems that every second person these days is proudly showing their tattoos. You have the traditional older guys who have been wearing tattoos for ages as well as young women and men who have just started on their 'tattoo collection'. The trend seems to be growing so rapidly that new Tattoo Parlours are opening up almost on a daily basis. It would be fair to say that today tattoos are more popular than during the Second World War years when tattoos became the fashion amongst the armed services.While it is just great seeing so many people wearing tattoos, particularly the young tattoo devotees, it is important...

The Lower Back Tattoo Design " New Trend With Historic Origin "

Tattoos, Tattoos, Tattoos ......take a look around you and you will observe that nearly every second man and women is sporting at least one tattoo these days. It seems that members of the young generation are, in ever increasing numbers, having tattoos etched on nearly every part of their bodies. The most common areas of the body for large tattoo designs are arms (both upper and lower regions) hands, and legs. Some more adventurous are having their tattoos on chest and upper back regions and some of the more daring are even having their scalp, face and neck tattooed. Since the start of the 1990's the most popular of all places that...

Henna Tattoo Designs

Want a tattoo but don't want to commit? Then Henna tattoo designs may be right for you. Tattoos made with henna are non-permanent designs that stain only the top layer of skin using a paste product called henna. Henna is a brown color, but your tattoo artist can use a variety of mixes to create different shades and hues. Coffee, fruits or leaves are added to henna to accomplish this. To strengthen the color and duration of a henna tattoo, sugar or oil can be added.Most henna tattoos only last about 2-4 weeks, but taking excellent care of your tattoo can extend its life span. Different types of henna also last longer than others. The...

Avoid These Tattoo Trends

If you are thinking about getting a tattoo, definitely be aware of tattoo trends, and my advice would be to avoid them as well! There are trends in tattooing that come up every now and then where everyone and their brother hops on the bandwagon. Before you know it you have a ton of people looking all the same, because they decided to follow a trend.Here are the different kinds of tattoo trends to avoid:Tattoo DesignsThere are certain trends which arise in regards to tattoo designs. For instance, remember the chain link design that people got around their bicep, ankle or wrist? For whatever reason everyone seemed to jump all over...

Ambigram Tattoos

Ambigram Tatt...

Alien Tattoo


Allysa Milano Tattoo


3D Tattoos


Pictures of Kanji Symbol Tattoos

Kanji Symbols for Imagination and Creativity.Kanji for "Accomplishment without fear".Kanji symbols for Love Honor and Fami...

Jesus Tattoos

Jesus TattoosJesus TattoosJesus Tatt...

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